3 Things To Ask When Choosing Your Wedding Marquee


Planning a wedding is a mixed bag of emotions. Sometimes it’s so exciting you think you may just burst, and sometimes it’s frustrating and stressful and hard. Many people, not wanting to have to wait for churches to available, have turned to public parks, national parks, and country properties to plan their big days.

These outdoor weddings are becoming more and more popular, and with good reason too.

The lower costs of hiring a marquee and the needed extras, as well as the freedom to choose from anywhere with an open field, makes an outdoor marquee wedding a great idea. When you’re choosing your wedding marquee, how do you know which one to go with, and which company to choose? We have outlined three basic questions to help you with choosing your wedding marquee, to take some of the hassle out of the wedding planning.

How Much Space Do I Need?

First and foremost, the main question you need to answer is how much space you will need. If your wedding is a big event with lots of people, you will likely need two or more large marquees to fit all of your friends and family in comfortably, and the chairs and tables for all of those people as well. Figuring out your exact numbers before booking is essential, because the more information you can give to your marquee company the better they can cater to your needs. It’s a good policy to add some extra seats once you have your final numbers as well, as people are likely to bring one or two unconfirmed plus ones as well.

Where And When Is My Event?

These two questions masquerading as one are very important, because they help decide whether or not you’ll need some key add-ons for your wedding experience. For instance, if your wedding takes place early in the morning and in the late spring, you likely won’t need lighting and heating for your guests. However, if it takes place in a late autumn afternoon you will probably need both of those things. This kind of planning also extends to where your event is located, as a pasture on a farm in the gorgeous countryside might be the perfect place to say your vows, but without a floor available for your marquee you will be saying them with mud up to your shins.

What Extras Do I Want?

Finally, the question of marquee extras comes into play when you’re planning your big day.

Between the wedding and the reception, are your guests going to mill about in relative silence, or will you want some kind of music to be played? Is a band more your speed, or an audio setup for background music? Side tables and umbrellas for a smoking area away from the marquee can be a good idea as well, as not everyone you bring to your special day will be cigarette-free, and you want everyone to be as comfortable as possible.

With these questions answered, you know where you stand with the most important aspects of your marquee hire, so don’t hesitate any longer – call 1300 934 414 to learn more about creating your perfect marquee wedding experience!