5 Tips To Help Plan Your Outdoor Event Space

Outdoor Event

There’s nothing like throwing a special shindig beneath the magical night sky, with the soft light of lanterns casting a warm glow over a happy evening. Some celebrations simply work better as an outdoor gathering! If you’re planning on throwing an outdoor event, there are a few factors you’ll need to consider to make sure your celebration is a sure-fire hoot.

1. Weather

It goes without saying that the most major concern for an outdoor event would have to be battling the elements. You don’t want your event being ruined by something so trivial as an unforeseen rainstorm. Let’s face it, perfect weather is never a guarantee in Melbourne. But as long as you take these seasonal considerations into account, your event will go on unimpeded. Plan your space to be both functional and engaging, with features like warm firepits in winter, and refreshing appetisers in summer. It’s always better to work with the season rather than against it, so that your outdoor event blends superbly with its surroundings. Pops of colour in spring and warm tones in autumn are guaranteed to make your event a night to remember.

2. Pick a Theme

Every memorable celebration comes with a fun and inviting theme! When you’re planning at outdoor event, you’ll have a little more leeway in regard to your event’s use of space. This means that you’ll have more than enough space for themed decorations and engaging displays and activities, like fun photo booths and maybe even some active party games. And if not a theme, you also have the freedom to pick a style for your outdoor event space. Do you want to go floral, or rustic? Sleek and contemporary, or traditional and romantic? The flexibility of outdoor event spaces will be guaranteed to fit any style you’re hoping to create.

3. Amenities

You’ll need to make sure that all your guests are taken care of when it comes to comfort. This will mean providing enough seating and benchtops, snacks and refreshments, bins for food waste, lighting, and even dinner and glassware if necessary. Adequate amenities can make or break both indoor and outdoor parties, but for outdoor parties there’s an added emphasis on the placement of these amenities.

4. Layout

Because you’ll have more space to work with in an outdoor setting, you’ll want to organise your outdoor event space into a variety of well-placed zones (i.e. tall benches and stand-alone tables for drinks spread throughout the space, and larger tables placed specifically for eating). If your guests have a multitude of options when it comes to comfortable places to socialise, chances are they’ll happily make full use of your outdoor event space.

5. The ‘After-Party-Math’

Or simply, the aftermath of your party. Your top priority after the party is cleaning up! Hosting a party in the beautiful great outdoors comes with the small responsibility of respecting your natural environment by cleaning up after your guests. If you’re proactive about this responsibility by providing bins for your guests as well as dedicated zones for disposing of any dinnerware, chances are cleaning up won’t be as stressful as it could be for an indoor party. Perhaps the greatest thing about outdoor events is that they’re less likely to end in carpet stains!


If you’re considering making your next celebration an outdoor event, then consider hiring a quality marquee from Marquee Monkeys. The versatility, inviting atmosphere, and simplicity of marquees make them the perfect blank canvas upon which you’ll be able to bring the perfect outdoor celebration!

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