
Virtual Party Ideas: How To Plan A Virtual Party

woman celebrating at a virtual party

As the past few years have made very clear, socialising can come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. Whilst our minds may immediately wander to nights of dancing, loud music and a heaped serving of sensory overload, between lockdowns, laws and distance, the idea of the virtual birthday party has never been more appealing. With that said, whilst many of us have embraced virtual party games and activities as the new norm, many are still trying to get to grips with the steps and processes involved in bringing a virtual party to life.

Step 1: Working Out Your Tech
Step 2: Thinking of Themes
Step 3: Picking a Platform
Step 4: Sending the Setup
Step 5: Set a Time and Remind People

At Marquee Monkeys, we want to ensure that you’re having the best social experience that you can, whether that’s out in one of our beautiful marquees, or from the confines of a Zoom call. So, today, we’re taking a look at a few ways that you can plan out a virtual party, and how to make sure it goes off without a hitch!

Step 1: Working Out Your Tech

One thing that makes a virtual birthday party different from its more traditional counterpart is the fact that some hardware is required to participate. Luckily, the basic setup of a computer, a microphone, headphones and a stable internet connection is commonplace for most people, but this isn’t always the case. You don’t want to get to party time, only to find that half your guests forgot that their microphone needs fixing or their internet connection won’t hold a stable call.

Work out what you need for your specific event, and let everyone know as soon as you can. That way, people have time to get a proper setup, and far less is left up to chance. This goes doubly for you as the host of the event, as it’s hard to host a successful virtual party without being there to host it.

Step 2: Thinking of Themes

Although the virtual party setup lends itself well to a more relaxed atmosphere given that people don’t have to work out travel, it still helps to have goals, games or a more cohesive setup in place so people know what to expect and prepare for. If you just want to get on and have some dinner with people, great! But even that involves some planning, especially if food needs to be ordered or costumes need to be bought ahead of time.

A proper theme can provide people with a little escapism that can be hard to come by when you’re distanced from your friends. Many people have decided to go down the route of dressing up or even distanced catering for a feeling of togetherness. The specifics of your event are up to you to choose, but people will appreciate it if you choose to put in that little extra effort. Some themes may include:

  • Cosplay/Dress Up Night
  • Games Night
  • Virtual Movie Night
  • Book Club
  • Dinner and Drinks

Just remember to be clear with your guests about what your theme will entail if they are required to prepare for it. If you don’t tell people they need costumes until the day of, or you don’t tell people you’re expecting them to have access to a certain movie/game, then it’s not on them when they don’t have it.

Step 3: Picking a Platform

Each video hangout platform is going to have different perks and problems. So, realistically, unless there’s a specific feature you need, it’s best to go with the one the most people are going to be familiar with and have access to. The most popular option over the lockdowns has been Zoom, but other options include Google Hangouts, Skype, FaceTime and many others. Work with what you all have, and make sure that you’re familiar with any features you need to use before the day.

Step 4: Sending the Setup

Want to put on a darling dinner for your friends and loved ones but can’t get everyone together? Why not get food delivered for everyone? It might be too costly depending on how many guests you’re thinking of having (a matter that should be considered given the limited effectiveness of video calls with too many people) but it can be a wonderful gesture for those that feel like taking the extra step.

Ordering everyone the same kind of food is going to create an extra sense of unity, but if that’s not possible, simply get everyone to choose their favourite foods and take it from there. As with normal get-togethers, make sure you’re aware of everyone’s dietary restrictions and preferences to make sure that your virtual party goes off without a hitch.

Step 5: Set a Time and Remind People

One big downside of virtual parties is that, for many of us, they’re easy to forget about. After all, we don’t have to work out travel arrangements or anything of the sort, so forgotten start times and such run rampant. So, early in your planning process, make sure that you set a clear time, and be sure to set reminders for yourself and your guests to avoid any annoying mishaps on the day of your virtual party.


Planning a virtual birthday party and setting up virtual party games can seem a little daunting the first time you do it, but it’s a magnificent way to stay connected with your friends and family near and far, whilst also giving you another fun way to connect at home. So, plan ahead, set up some virtual party activities, and do everything you can to put on something exciting.

Want more tips and tricks for being the perfect host? Want to prepare for your next big outdoor event? Explore the Marquee Monkeys blog today for a wide range of guides, articles and insights into the world of party planning.

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